Airport Operations
Efficient, convenient, safe and secure
At Bankstown Airport we are proud to provide efficient and convenient airport operations and facilities for the use of our aviation operators and visitors alike. Central to this service is ensuring the safe and secure operation of the Airport.
We continue to invest in our aviation infrastructure and facilities, to provide the optimal service to our customers on a reliable, safe and cost-effective basis.
Our Aviation Operations team at Aeria Management Group are ready to assist, and also provide an important security, emergency and inspection function.

Airport Passenger Terminal
Our recently refurbished passenger terminal is at the heart of Bankstown Airport located at the southern end of Airport Avenue and is available for use by our customers including aviation operators and their guests.
Airside access is available at the central apron area at the intersection of Taxiway K and Taxiway L.
The Passenger Terminal includes the Terminal Lounge, Transit Area and the outside Airport Viewing Area.
The Terminal Lounge and meeting rooms are available for private use or functions on request. Please contact Aeria Management Group, and terms and conditions may apply.

Airport Management Office
The Airport Management Office is located at Aeria Management Group’s new head office at 16A Airport Avenue, Bankstown Aerodrome. The management office is open during business hours.

Airport Conditions of Use
The Conditions of Use for Bankstown Airport contains important information for all airport users on how the airport is to be used and the related terms and conditions – including aeronautical requirements, aviation charges and insurance requirements. By landing or operating from Bankstown Airport you accept the terms of the Airport Conditions of Use including related charges.
In using the airport facilities and services, you agree to the charges appropriate at the time of use including aircraft parking charges and aircraft movement charges. Payment options are included within the Conditions of Use.
The Conditions of Use are reviewed annually and as required.

Pilot Information
Air Traffic Control – Bankstown Airport’s dedicated Air Traffic Control Tower is operated by Airservices Australia, and uses Class D airspace procedures. Outside Air Traffic Control hours the airport operates under CTAF. The Air Traffic Control Tower is only operational during certain times of the day, and the operating hours are detailed in the En Route Supplement Australia (ERSA) – link below.
Runways – Bankstown Airport has three runways. The primary runway (11C/29C) is 1416m x 30m and is rated up to 20 tonnes MTOW. Further information is contained within the ERSA.
Taxiways and aprons – Only select taxiways and aprons are rated up to 20 tonnes MTOW. Further information is contained within the ERSA.
Aircraft Weight Exemption – Aircraft greater that 20 tonne MTOW are required to obtain approval from the airport operator prior to arrival by submitting a Aerodrome Pavement Concession Form [link to form].
Aircraft Parking – Casual aircraft parking for itinerant users is available along Taxiway K (apron) and Taxiways K, L and M (grass).
Lighting – The lighting for Runway 11C/29C has three stage medium intensity edge lights and a Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI).
Navigational Aids – A Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) is located at Bankstown Airport, and the primary runway (11C/29C) has an NDB and Area Navigation (RNAV) instrument approach.
Aircraft Fuelling Facilities – Bankstown Airport is serviced by the following Aviation Fuel Suppliers:
- AirBP (AVGAS, F34, JET A1)
- World Fuel Services (AVGAS, JET A1)
- Viva Energy Aviation (AVGAS, JET A1, JETPLUS)
Further information is contained with the En Route Supplement Australia.

Airside Vehicles and Equipment
The operation of vehicles or equipment on airside operating areas, taxiways and aprons (“airside areas”) is permitted in limited circumstances and requires the prior approval of the airport operator.
To operate vehicles or equipment in airside areas, you must first obtain an Airside Driving Authority (ADA) license. The ADA and related charges are included in the Airport Conditions of Use.
All vehicles and equipment must also be registered for use in airside areas by obtaining an Authority to Use Airside (AUA). The AUA and related charges are also included in the Airport Conditions of Use.
Vehicles are required to be registered and/or obtain a vehicle inspection certificate from a qualified Engineer. Comprehensive vehicle insurance is also required with a minimum cover of $20 million or Hangar Keepers Liability if not insured, and an Airside Vehicle Indemnity Form is required to be signed by the vehicle owner or operator.
Applications relating to vehicle and equipment use airside can be sent by email to the Airport Operations team

Aircraft Noise
Aircraft noise is inevitably generated from the significant and important aviation activities at Bankstown Airport, and we recognise that aircraft noise impacts is important to the community.
Aircraft noise includes those generated from aircraft when on the ground and in the air.
Airservices Australia is responsible for responding to issues of noise when the aircraft are in the air. Please contact Airservices Australia on 1800 802 584.
As the operator Bankstown Airport, Aeria Management Group (AMG) is responsible for responding to issues of noise from aircraft on the ground, and this also extends to the following:
- Aircraft ground running and servicing
- Mechanical plant and equipment
- Non-aviation industrial activities
- On airport road traffic
- Operation of fixed audible alarm or warning systems
- On airport construction activities
Please contact our Airport Operations team for any matters relating ground-based noise.
Fly Neighbourly Procedures
An important component of our noise management is our Fly Neighbourly Procedures that have been developed by Aeria Management Group in conjunction with the Aviation community to reduce aircraft noise impacts on the local surrounding community where practicable. These procedures are voluntary and require the support of the aviation community using Bankstown Airport.

Safety and Security
Safety and security are central to our airport operations.
Our Aerodrome Reporting Officers (ARO) conduct regular patrols of airside operating areas, and inspections are also undertaken by regulators and their inspectors.
Airport operators and visitors are responsible for ensuring that their property and facilities have adequate security to prevent security breaches. In the case of an emergency or where a crime is in progress, please contact NSW Police immediately on “000”.
Access to airside operating areas is for approved aviation operations purposes only. All other access requires the prior approval of the airport operator. Airport operators accessing airside gates are responsible for ensuring that airside gates are securely closed immediately following their access (both to and from airside).
A integral component of our safety framework is to partner with airport stakeholders through the Safety Management System (SMS) Committee to enhance aviation safety, including to identify airside risks. The objective of the SMS Committee is to provide a forum to discuss safety issues and manage the overall effectiveness of the SMS. , and includes representatives from aviation operators at Bankstown Airport including POLAIR, TOLL Ambulance, Coulsons, CareFlight, Little Wings, CASA, Airservices and flying schools.
Applications to join the SMS Committee can be submitted by email to the Airport Operations team
In addition, core safety rules, guidelines and procedures have been developed to facilitate a high safety standard, these systems and procedures are available from the Aviation Operations team.

Applications and Forms
The following applications and forms assist with the efficient and effective management of airport operations and promote safety and security. Please contact the airport operator, Aeria Management Group, if you require assistance or information to complete or submit these documents.