Tower Road Upgrade: A Smoother, Greener Connection

We’re excited to announce the completion of the Tower Road upgrade – a major milestone for Aeria Management Group and Bankstown Airport. This extensive project has not only transformed a key thoroughfare but also enhanced connectivity, sustainability, and functionality across the precinct.

Here’s what’s been delivered:

  • 2km of brand-new asphalt — including 1.75km of full pavement reconstruction and 250m of mill and resheet, with a massive 5,500 tons of asphalt laid.
  • 2,000 cubic metres of concrete used throughout the project.
  • A 2km shared path — making it easier and safer for cyclists and pedestrians to move around the airport.
  • 1.8km of stormwater pipe network — helping manage water flow and boost resilience.
  • Over 8km of HV, LV, and Communications conduits — supporting the airport’s critical infrastructure.
  • 128 new car parking spaces — including 6 EV charging stations for a more sustainable future.
  • Over 3km of new tenant fencing — improving security and aesthetics.
  • 7,000+ square metres of landscaping — with a mix of plants, trees, and turf to enhance the precinct’s green spaces.

This upgrade is more than just an infrastructure boost – it’s about creating a connected, modern, and sustainable environment for everyone who works, visits, and travels through Bankstown Airport.

We look forward to seeing you enjoy the new and improved Tower Road!

Before & After: