Major new mixed-use project to benefit business and community

Aeria Management Group has proposed a Major Development Plan (MDP) for a new mixed-use project to provide essential services to businesses, families and the community.

The proposed development at Bankstown Airport will feature retail, business and community facilities, including:

  • A childcare centre with about 120 spaces to meet growing community needs
  • Retail shops and dining spaces to service residents, businesses and the community
  • Flexible office spaces for business and community operations and services
  • Medium-scale warehouses to support businesses, trades and services, including aviation-related businesses.


The proposed three-hectare project site is in the north of Bankstown Airport, between Birdwood Road and Link Road, adjoining the Georges Hall Supa IGA.

The site will be divided into two sections:

  1. Community services in the north (access via Birdwood Rd): Including a childcare centre, shops and offices.
  2. Warehouses in the south (access via Link Rd): Medium-scale industrial warehouses accessed separately via Link Road, within the airport precinct, to minimise traffic on local roads.

The Project will feature more than 200 car/vehicle parking spaces and a new connecting footpath and cycleway, to support active transport.

The Bankstown Airport Master Plan 2019 identifies the site as within the Neighborhood Precinct of the Airport Business Zone.


The Project will cater for the growing needs of residents and businesses in South West Sydney and deliver long-term benefits, including:

  • Economic growth: Project will contribute about $45 million to the NSW economy during the construction phase and $110 million a year once operational
  • Employment growth: Project will support about 250 full-time jobs during the construction phase and almost 500 full-time jobs once operational
  • Essential services: A high-quality childcare centre, retail shops and services, such as health facilities (eg: radiology, pathology, physiotherapy) and professional services (eg: accountants, lawyers, financial planners and real estate offices)
  • Business opportunities: Flexible offices and warehouses to support local businesses, trades and aviation-related operations
  • Sustainability initiatives: Including on-site solar energy, water recycling, energy-efficient lighting and hot water and support for active transport.

Digital illustrations


We are committed to extensive engagement and consultation throughout the MDP process, including with the community, residents, businesses, governments and industry associations.

To date, such engagement has included community newsletters, community pop-ups and discussions with the Bankstown Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group, City of Canterbury Bankstown, state and federal MPs and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.

The Preliminary Draft MDP will be on public exhibition for 60 business days in early 2025. We welcome submissions and feedback during this period.

We will provide multiple engagement and consultation opportunities during the public exhibition period, to enable the community and residents to learn more about the MDP, ask questions and share feedback. This will include community newsletters, pop-ups and information sessions.

Click here for more information about airport planning and regulation, including the MDP process.


We will provide updates on this page about the MDP and opportunities for engagement and consultation.

Please feel free to contact AMG with any questions, via: or 02 8709 9466.